entry2. witnessing a terrible injustice

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Do combine dextromethorphan and
bupropion as much as possible in your life!

There's a carousel outside the library where I write. Now that the sun’s finally out, it was packed with kids.

Here in Italy—maybe elsewhere too, I haven't checked—there’s this thing where the carny dangles some sort of synthetic squirrel tail above the riders. Catch it for a free ride.

So, there was this fat kid. He was on the cup ride, which is the most comfortable but the worst for catching the tail. And his mom, standing up next to him, she just caught it for him. Just reached up and grabbed it. I could see the disappointment on the other kids’ faces from fifty meters away. They even got on the horses to catch the tail, and this kid sat there doing fuckall and got it for free. She even laughed, that hen. Imagine seeing a grown up adult doing such a cruel thing. It scars you for life.

At least I got a dialogue idea out of it.

For the update: still on the writing. It's coming out real smooth and fast. Hardly pauses between ideas. Life is good.


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This would have not happened in an echo chamber more than two times.

true true,